Areas of activity

Cultural Action
The Giovanni Paolo II Circles organize activities in service of the evangelization of culture through the integral formation of individuals and the development of leadership for positive action. These activities aim to spread the Christian message, particularly focusing on the person of Jesus Christ and the worldview of humanity that derives from Him. At the core of every culture lies the approach to the mystery of God, revealed to us in the person of Jesus, the Son of God made man, the truth of both God and man. Consequently, the content of these activities reflects a Christian vision of reality in relation to concrete historical circumstances.
The areas of activity can be structured at two distinct levels of content. On one side, thematic areas that address the fundamental tenets of faith in their engagement with contemporary thought and values. On the other, emerging themes in cultural debates related to social, political, economic, and religious life that guide the thinking and actions of Christians, enabling them to engage in dialogue with all. These two levels are complementary, as they aim to respond to the major questions of meaning related to human existence in a contextualized manner.
A general framework of thematic areas that serves to choose and classify the organized activities is as follows:
The Person. The dignity of the person, the inviolability of human life, human rights, personality, structure and abilities, and conceptions of the human being.
Society. Family, education, schools, universities, public and private institutions, globalization, civilization, culture, complexity and change, cultural and religious pluralism.
Knowledge. Truth, science, the scientific method, technique, technology, the unity of knowledge, dialogue between faith and science, interdisciplinarity, and competencies.
Ethics. Goodness, freedom, duty, moral progress, economics and humanism, sustainability, ecology, responsibility, and decision-making.
Politics. Government, legality, the state, political institutions, participation in civic and political life at local, national, and international levels, and the relationship with the Church.
Spirituality. Religious experience, evangelization, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, spiritual and religious traditions, and new forms of religiosity.
Language. New languages, communication, journalism, new information technologies, communication, and art in all its expressions.
Le aree e le tematiche proposte non esauriscono l'orizzonte del rapporto tra fede e cultura. In merito alle aree tematiche generali, c’è da considerare che molti temi sono trasversali e interdisciplinari, dunque possono essere trattati da angolature diverse. Con riferimento ai temi relativi al dibattito contemporaneo, va detto che ogni realtà locale presenta situazioni di particolare rilevanza ed emergenza. In definitiva, conviene organizzare programmi strutturati in modo logico che permettano un arricchimento reciproco tra cultura e fede, tra società e comunità ecclesiale.
© 2024 by Circoli Culturali Giovanni Paolo II.
Partecipa ad un progetto orientato alla nuova evangelizzazione della cultura, ispirata dagli insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, il cui impatto continua a guidarci nella missione di rendere il mondo un luogo di maggiore comprensione, rispetto, giustizia e amore fraterno.

The proposed areas and themes do not exhaust the horizon of the relationship between faith and culture. Regarding general thematic areas, many topics are cross-cutting and interdisciplinary, and thus can be addressed from different perspectives. As for contemporary debate themes, each local reality presents situations of particular relevance and urgency. Ultimately, it is advisable to organize logically structured programs that allow for reciprocal enrichment between culture and faith, between society and the ecclesial community.

Types of activities
Witnessing the Church's commitment to its mission of promoting cultural progress and fruitful dialogue between cultures, as well as fostering the encounter between cultures and the Gospel, and the relationship between culture and faith.
Transmitting and participating in the work of the various Church institutions that focus on the evangelization of culture and the dialogue of cultures. Collaborating with the local Church on initiatives aimed at being present within the local cultural environment.
Promoting mutual cooperation with local, national, and international Catholic institutions and organizations in scientific, humanitarian, historical, philosophical, theological, social, educational, economic, political, and artistic fields.
Participating in cultural activities** at local, national, and international levels within the fields of expertise specified in point 3.
Monitoring the evolution of society, culture, education, politics, and the economy, with the aim of defending and supporting the development of the human person and the common good with responsibility.
Facilitating dialogue between the Church, faith, and culture** by organizing activities that engage key cultural actors in every area of society.
Conferences. Presentations on topics of general or emerging interest led by specialists in various fields.
Artistic Events. Scheduled events aimed at promoting, disseminating, and celebrating specific cultural aspects.
Seminars. Academic gatherings where specialists and interested individuals exchange, comment, present, and debate a defined topic.
Round Tables. A group dynamic where a topic of common interest is discussed by participants from various viewpoints.
Testimonies. Presentations of life experiences by people whose testimony is reliable, related to a specific event or conflict.
Workshops. Activities in which all participants are actively engaged in acquiring new ideas, knowledge, and skills, exchanging impressions, and producing something through teamwork.
Other Events. Giovanni Paolo II Circles may participate in initiatives organized by other institutions and organizations that align with their mission, goals, objectives, and values.
The discernment process leading to the selection of activities should consider the following criteria: the broadest possible involvement, community discernment, and a close connection to culture and the communication of the Christian message. In fact, culture is a space for free and welcoming exchange, encompassing all areas of human life: science, philosophy, politics, economy, and the arts.