Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
The Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum was canonically established by the Congregation for Catholic Education on September 15, 1993, and is directed by the religious congregation of the Legionaries of Christ. On July 11, 1998, Pope John Paul II granted it the title of "Pontifical.
The mission of the Athenaeum is to train apostles, Christian leaders, clergy, and laity, to serve the Church in witnessing the mystery of Christ, creating cultural currents of Christian thought that, in full communion with the Magisterium of the Church and addressing theoretical and existential questions of humanity, infuse society with the Christian spirit.
It is an international academic community, fully in harmony with the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Church, that feels called to develop a Catholic thought and culture capable of permeating the Christian spirit in today’s society.
The offerings are structured into faculties, institutes, and individual study programs, and through this, the Athenaeum proposes:
Systematic and structured training
Comprehensive student formation for fulfilling their mission
Explicit attention to the Magisterium of the Church
Continuous dialogue with contemporary culture and society starting from Christian identity
Development of Christian leadership to better contribute to evangelization
The faculties and institutes of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum are as follows:
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Bioethics
Higher Institute of Religious Sciences
Institute of Science and Faith
Institute of Advanced Studies on Women
Institute Sacerdos
Institute of Bioethics and Human Rights
Institute of Economic and Social Ethics Fidelis